2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

Missions and Outreach

“Each one should use whatever gift they have received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” I Peter 4:10

Emmanuel is proud to partner with many community outreach and mission projects.  We hope you will find a place to volunteer and offer your time and talents.


Room in the Inn is a program in Memphis that sets up winter shelters for the homeless in our community through local churches, and Emmanuel is proud to be a participating congregation. Consider volunteering! Contact: jspear@emmanuelmemphis.org


Project 20/20

Project 20/20 is a mission of the Memphis Conference headquartered at Emmanuel for 20+ years that distributes eyeglasses and sunglasses to people in need all over the world through mission teams. Contact: info@project2020.org

Emmanuel Bakes

Fellowship and Cooking come together in service! Each month we bake a variet of goodies to share with our community: Fire and Police stations, AA groups, Room in the Inn, Rachel’s Kids Kitchen to name a few.

-Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble.Emmanuel Food Pantry

The Emmanuel Food Pantry provides groceries for people who have an immediate need for food. If you are interested in helping, please read more here.

Emmanuel Feeds

Next event: Spring 2024.   Emmanuel Feeds is an annual event when the whole church comes together to package food for needy families. Contact: info@emmanuelmemphis.org


Urban Bicylce Food Ministry. Ride with us on Wednesday Nights to pass out burritos to the homeless downtown. We meet the people where they are. Sign up on the Ehub.

AA / Al-Anon Groups

12 step recovery groups for alcoholics and family and friends. Check the calendar for days and times HERE

La Mission A Mexico

For many years Emmanuel has been sending youth and young adults on mission trips to Casa Hogar Benito Juarez Orphanage and school in Reynosa, Mexico to help with the children’s home. To help with their current needs, please click here for Casa Hogar’s Amazon wishlist.

United Methodist Neighborhood Center

Wesley Senior Ministries and Golden Cross