2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

What's Happening? (Page 22)

Emmanuel ends Clergy Chase with some Medal Winners

On September 5 at Overton Park, we had a good group from Emmanuel walking in the Annual Clergy Chase with some doing the 1-mile Fun Run/Walk and some the officially timed 5K Run/Walk. Emmanuel’s participants were quite successful.   Medal winners in their age group in the 5K from EUMC included: Elizabeth Johnston – 3rd…

Kairos Cookie Sunday is September 13

Please bring cookies to church for Kairos Cookie Collection Sunday on September 13th. A place to drop off your cookies will be by the church office.  Cookies need to be chocolate chip, 2-3” in diameter. The Nestle Tollhouse recipe on the bag, or pre-made dough from Sam’s, etc., are best. Don’t forget to let them cool…

Emmanuel UMC embraces idea of ‘offering Christ to a hurting world, one neighborhood at a time’

  This summer our church was featured in the Memphis Conference’s weekly e-news  and quarterly newspaper, The Circuit Writer. on page 10. Check out the articles that mention our missions and outreach programs including Emmanuel Feeds, Project 20/20, Emmanuel’s Walking Group, Jacob’s Ladder,  and the Joy Prom. If  you are interested in getting involved, you can check out these programs…