2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

What's Happening?

We live in a culture bent on defining a good life as continuous upward mobility–climbing ladders of prosperity with increasingly fabulous experiences that we can post to ever-more-likable social media accounts.

We may comb the shelves of the self-help section in search of just the right formula to gain success. Perhaps we even gravitate towards spiritual leaders who promise great rewards if we only do “the right thing.”

But life happens, right? Most times we are not moving upward but trying to repair the rung we’ve just slipped from.  So what if we stopped climbing and started fertilizing, watering, and blooming right where we find ourselves?

Welcome to a Lent of affirming a faith in which we are blessed, regardless, and where we can lean into embracing our “good enough” lives.

A Blessing for a Joyfully Mediocre Journey

Blessed are you
 who realize there is simply not enough – time, money, resources.

Blessed are you
 who are tired of pretending that raw effort is the secret to perfection. It’s not. And you know that now.

Blessed are you
 who need a gentle reminder that even now, even today, God is here, and somehow, that is good enough.

Together, we’re going to take ourselves off the hook for perfection. Perfect lives. Perfect bodies. Perfect relationships. And realize that this is the beautiful work of being human… again today. Thank God we get to do it together.

Join us each Sunday of Lent, beginning March 9th.

Week 1: Ordinary lives can be holy.

Week 2: So much is out of our control.

Week 3: Lots of things can be medicine.

Week 4: We often believe we are the problem.

Week 5: We are fragile.

Week 6: You are a group project.

Worship Services

March 5: Ash Wednesday
7-8am Come & Go Imposition of Ashes
6:30pm Service

April 17: Holy Thursday
 6:30pm Service

April 18: Good Friday
12:00 Noon Service 

April 20: Easter Sunday
8:50 & 11am (Live Stream 11am)

Good Enough Lent 2025

Good Enough: Lent 2025

We live in a culture bent on defining a good life as continuous upward mobility–climbing ladders of prosperity with increasingly fabulous experiences that we can post to ever-more-likable social media accounts. We may comb the shelves of the self-help section in search of just the right formula to gain success. Perhaps we even gravitate towards spiritual leaders…

Celebrate Advent and Christmas at Emmanuel

As the Advent season unfolds, Emmanuel United Methodist Church warmly invites you to partake in a series of events designed to prepare our hearts for the celebration of Christ’s birth. Here’s a glimpse into our upcoming gatherings: Advent Worship Series and services Our December worship series is inspired by the book On the Way to…

Q&A with Our New Pastor

Get to know our new Lead Pastor – Dr. Rob Martin It has been great getting to know the Emmanuel UMC community. The staff and I are learning about each other. I am learning which keys open which doors. I am learning to drive in Memphis again!  All kinds of learning moments have happened for…

Summer Secret Sisters

Summer Secret Sisters

We are kicking off the Second Annual Summer Secret Sisters Program for all the women of the church from May through August to stay connected over the Summer break. Summer Secret Sisters is designed to help us build deeper friendships and grow closer in our relationships together. What is a Secret Sister? A Secret Sister Program…