2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

Visitor Info & FAQs

Welcome to Emmanuel!

Worship Times: Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:50 or 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary or live-stream on our website.

Nursery: A nursery is available during both services to provide safe and supportive care for infants, crawlers, and young toddlers. All paid and volunteer staff undergo a background check and adhere to our Safe Sanctuaries Policy.

Sunday School: Education and fellowship opportunities for adults, young adults, youth and children are available on Sunday mornings.

Holy Communion: The Communion table is prepared on the first Sunday of the month at both services. Everyone is welcome at our table – members and non-members, adults and children.



Where do I park?

Handicapped parking spots are designated and located at the front entrance of the sanctuary and other entrances around the building.

What will the worship service be like?

The worship style at Emmanuel is traditional with blended styles of music. Each worship service is designed to offer our praise and thanks to God and to provide a meaningful and uplifting experience to all who are present. Each service lasts about one hour.

What should I wear?

Wear whatever makes you comfortable. You will see men in suits and ties as well as golf shirts and slacks. You will see women in dresses as well as slacks. “Mortals look on the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).

Where do my children go during the worship service?

All children are encouraged to attend worship with their parents.  Special children’s sermons are a part of both services (except on Communion Sundays). Children are asked to come to the front of the sanctuary for a special time in which true spontaneity takes place and anything can happen. At the conclusion of the lesson, children are dismissed to attend Children’s Church (child care) (4&5 Year Olds and SK-2nd Grade) or to worship with their parents.  Nursery is available for babies through JrK.

Want to know more about EUMC?

Our Sunday Morning Greeters are located just outside the Sanctuary. Stop by! We are happy to answer any questions you may have and provide you with more detailed information about EUMC.

You can also contact the church office to be directed to the correct staff member. 901-754-6548 or info@emmanuelmemphis.org

EUMC campus map 2023


Printable Campus Map


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