2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119


Worship Services

Sunday worship services are held at 8:50 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. each week.

During each year, special services are held in the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter.

The worship style at Emmanuel is traditional with blended styles of music. Each worship service is designed to offer our praise and thanks to God and to provide a meaningful and uplifting experience to all who are present.

Welcome to Emmanuel,

It is indeed a great privilege to serve as a pastor of Emmanuel United Methodist Church! The rich variety of Emmanuel’s ministries, the effectiveness of its outreach, and the impact of its mission excite me as this congregation moves into new areas of service and witness.

The power of EUMC, however, does not begin with its programs and ministries, but with its people. It is a living fellowship of people seeking to live out their calling to follow Jesus Christ. We are part of the body of Christ, the embodiment of love, faith, and hope in the world. We can only fulfill that role as we express our love for God and for neighbor by loving and caring for one another.

Grace, peace, and love,
Rob Martin
Lead Pastor


What We Believe

We believe Jesus Christ is the son of God, that he came into the world to save sinners, and that he was resurrected from the dead. We believe that his death is an atonement for the sins of the world. We believe in the Holy Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that all that is necessary for salvation may be found in the scriptures.

Beyond the basic affirmations of Methodists (which we hold in common with all Christians*), Methodism has no set body of doctrine. John Wesley, our founder, said: “We think and let think.”

Therefore, we accept all forms of baptism. Infant baptism is full baptism. We do not believe in re-baptizing persons who come from other denominations. Baptisms are made to God, not to a denomination.

We practice open communion and invite all persons to the Lord’s Table, whether they are a member of any church or not. 

For those coming to Methodism from other denominations, we ask only one question: “Will you be loyal to the United Methodist Church and support it with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, and your service?”

We do have Bishops in the United Methodist Church, but they do not hold theological authority. Bishops are administrative supervisors and spiritual leaders.

Most children come into Methodism when they are in the 6th grade and receive confirmation training.

Our History

Emmanuel’s congregation met for the first time on June 2, 1968 in the Hyde Chapel of Memphis University School. There were 67 members who united with the church that day and by the end of the conference year, the congregation had grown to 170 members. Today our congregation has 1800 members.
The original name of the new church was to be St. Peter’s, however, during that first year the members decided that Emmanuel (God With Us) was more appropriate for the new church. Certainly God has been with Emmanuel, not only in those first years, but all through the years.

What vision, faith, courage and commitment those early members displayed! The fruit of their labors has been witnessed by hundreds who have come Emmanuel’s way and because of their generous efforts, people all over the world have benefited. Several of the Charter Members continue in their worship of Emmanuel today.

May we draw from their commitment to make sure Emmanuel continues as the warm, generous and committed church that commenced on that blessed day in 1968.