2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

Summer in the Scriptures

Summer in the Scriptures Bible Study

If you’d like to study Scripture in an intentional way this summer, join with Linda Gabriel in studying the Gospels in an online study with daily Gospel readings, a public facebook group, and private zoom meetings.

Starting June 1st, we will read one chapter a day, beginning with the book of Matthew.
Print the daily readings HERE

 Join the “Summer in the Scripture” facebook group to gain inspiration from others. We will connect with others in the facebook group, Summer in the Scriptures with Bishop Ken Carter, (facebook.com/groups/GospelSummer) for video content of Biblical scholars, podcasts, and daily support for the deepening in the mind, heart, and life of Jesus.

Bishop Ken Carter of the Florida Conference of UMC will lead the participation in this spiritual practice. Four amazing scholars will each share in a webinar conversation with us this summer. They are:

  • Kendall Soulen, Candler School of Theology (Matthew)
  • Edgardo Colon-Emeric, Duke Divinity School (Mark)
  • Bob Tuttle, Asbury Theological Seminary (Luke)
  • Dana Robert, Boston University School of Theology (John)

These speakers will add depth and wisdom to our reading in the gospels.

Twice a month our Emmanuel Family will be invited to a zoom meeting to share your experience of the Gospel readings. Zoom links will be sent in the enews.
  • Thursday, June 4  – 11am or 6pm
  • Thursday, June 18 – 11am or 6pm
  • Future dates – TBD
Thank you again for being a part of this and for sharing with friends who might love doing this over the summer.

This is an open study and all are welcome!

Along with a copy of the New Testament, for our spiritual practice this summer, we will read A Beginner’s Guide to Practicing Scriptural Imagination by Kenneth H. Carter, Jr. It is a very brief and economical book, with a chapter on each of the four gospels. It is available through Amazon, Kindle, Cokesbury, and the Upper Room.

Summer in the Scriptures