Emmanuel is launching a new capital campaign with the theme:
“Strengthening Community through Christ.”
Our Growing Forward campaign has been very successful because of your generosity.
The Strengthening Community Capital Campaign will allow us to continue our success and be more engaged in the mission and ministry to the congregation and the community to make our mission of Loving God and Loving Neighbor a greater reality.
Even through the pandemic, we have continued to creatively worship and actively engage in study, service, mission and ministry. We have also cared for each other and the community and educated young children.
We have endured, adapted, persevered and been faithful in our vision.
The purpose of the Strengthening Community Capital Campaign is our vision to be a growing and vital community where Christ is transforming lives.
The goal of the Strengthening Community Capital Campaign is to finish paying for the new building project and replace the 50 year old, no longer reliable, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system for the Sanctuary and Kindergarten.
- We have a great opportunity to address our current debt in a short time, under a very reasonable line of credit of 2.6%.
- We need to provide a safe, reliable, and comfortable facility for EUMK to educate young children and also be good stewards in caring for our Sanctuary.
This campaign will allow us to quickly and faithfully return all of our resources to focusing on the vision of the church and provide facilities that are well equipped to carry out the mission and ministry God has called us to for the next 50+ years.
We seek to Strengthen Community at Emmanuel and with our neighbors for years to come.
The Facts
Funding of New Construction Debt & HVAC Cost
Our current $5.2 million building project has allowed us to complete:
- New Fellowship Hall, Youth Space, and Full-Service Kitchen for more fellowship opportunities
- Community Room and new Food Pantry for expanded mission and ministries
- ADA compliant restrooms and elevator for our education wing
The remaining anticipated debt will be approximately $1 million.
The upcoming unanticipated HVAC replacement project will cost $1.041 million. The benefits will include:
- Completely new HVAC system for the Sanctuary and EUMK that is both reliable and easier to maintain
- Significant energy efficiency
- Major utility, maintenance, and repair costs savings
- Individual controls for heat and AC in the classrooms and Sanctuary
- Significant upgrade to current codes providing greater fire safety and quality of air
- Better lighting and improved appearance in the hallways
Even though the original project is about 6 months over the projected deadline, we are still at or under budget.
What a blessing that we began this project when we did! It is almost complete. If we were just beginning, we would run into the much higher costs of building supplies and materials.
Strengthening Community is a 2 year, $2 million capital campaign.
The pledge period will be July 2022 – June 2024.
Frequently Asked Questions
A: We did not want to assume or make presumptions that everyone is in the same situation as they were three years ago.
- Some will be able to continue giving the same amount for another two years but others will not be able to give the same amount.
- Some have moved away so our pledges would be down from those members. And others have joined and have not had the opportunity to learn about a capital campaign.
- For others situations may have changed and they might be able to give less or might be able to pledge more.
- We are asking you to pray about where you are now and what you might be able to do.
A: The Strengthening Community campaign is a 2 year, $2 million capital campaign with pledges due July 2022 through June 2024. We were able to secure a low interest rate for our line of credit which matures and is due in June of 2024. If we pay off the line of credit then we will avoid more loan cost and interest.
A: Emmanuel has been debt free for most of our history. Being debt free allows us to use our finances and resources for our missions and ministries rather than interest rates.
A: Our HVAC system is over 50 years old and is original to our building. It has exceeded its service life. We have repaired and replaced parts for many years, but now many parts and options are no longer available.
The benefits will include:
- Completely new HVAC system for the Sanctuary and EUMK that is both reliable and easier to maintain
- Significant energy efficiency
- Major utility, maintenance, and repair costs savings
- Individual controls for heat and AC in the classrooms and Sanctuary
- Significant upgrade to current codes providing greater fire safety and quality of air
- Better lighting and improved appearance in the hallways
A: Beginning May 22, we will meet in the Fellowship Hall for Sunday worship services. The Kindergarten/Sanctuary building will be closed during the installation.
The plan is to have the Kindergarten classrooms completed in early August so the school can resume classes. The Sanctuary is projected to be complete by early October.
A: While the Sanctuary building is closed, you can enter through all doors to the west of the Sanctuary building.