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Memphis, TN 38119

"advent" Tagged Sermons

I Believe Even When..Peace

I Believe in the Light: Illuminating Peace

Fourth Sunday in Advent: PEACE Christ is the good news of peace and light. 2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light.     On those living in a pitch-dark land, light has dawned. 3 You have made the nation great;     you have increased its joy. They rejoiced before you as with joy at the…

I Believe Even When..Joy

I Believe in God: Ode to Joy

Third Sunday in Advent: JOY God’s blessings are a joy to be shared, but they are not benefits to be squandered. Peace for the remorseful 14 It will be said: “Survey, survey; build a road! Remove barriers from my people’s road!” 15 The one who is high and lifted up, who lives forever, whose name is holy,…

I Believe Even When..Love

I Believe in Love: Daring Right Relationship

Second Sunday of Advent: LOVE Be the Love, not the Law. Reassurance to King Ahaz 7 In the days of Ahaz (Jotham’s son and grandson of Judah’s King Uzziah), Aram’s King Rezin and Israel’s King Pekah (Remaliah’s son) came up to attack Jerusalem, but they couldn’t overpower it. 2 When the house of David was told that…

Hope First Sunday of Advent

I Believe in the Sun: Hope for Tomorrow

First Sunday in Advent: HOPE We preach expectation and belief even now. Comfort for God’s people 40 Comfort, comfort my people!     says your God. 2 Speak compassionately to Jerusalem,         and proclaim to her that her compulsory service has ended,     that her penalty has been paid,     that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins!…