2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

prayers for peace

Prayers for Peace

My mind still can’t fully absorb the magnitude of the horrible act of terror and evil that occurred in Orlando yesterday morning, killing 50 and wounding even more. The hate and mental derangement that lead to such a despicable act are beyond comprehension to most of us. Tragically, such incidences of violence, at any level, are all too prevalent in our world. Such acts, whether in Orlando or Brussels or the streets of Memphis, call upon all Christians, indeed upon all civilized people, to pray and work for peace and justice for all God’s people.

In response to this horrific, senseless act of evil, I call upon us all to be in prayer for the victims and their families, for the citizens of Orlando, for the gay community that feels so shocked and threatened, for US citizens abroad, and all other groups who are targets of hatred and violence. That would include residents of Memphis who live in neighborhoods where gunfire and violence are commonplace.

We can all pray everywhere, but as a sign of our call to prayer, the sanctuary of Emmanuel United Methodist Church will be open today through Wednesday, from 4:30 until 7:00 each evening. Also, our regular Third Thursday Communion Service at 5:30 this Thursday will include prayers for Peace, Healing and Justice. All of these times, including our Communion service, are open to everyone in the community, as well as members of Emmanuel.3rd Thurs Jun 2016

Please be aware that our sanctuary is decorated for Vacation Bible School, which is being held this week. Despite being decorated for “Deep Sea Discovery,” it remains a place of “Quiet rest, near to the heart of God” as the old hymn declares. Actually, the decorations should remind us that we need to bequeath to our children a safer, more peaceful and just world than we currently have, an incentive for our praying and for our response of love and healing for all God’s children everywhere.

Join us all in this week of prayer for our world.

Grace and love,
David Comperry