2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

Volunteer Opportunities

Church Nursery

Teach ages birth to 2 year old children’s Sunday School for 15-30 minutes during the Sunday School hour or the 11:00 Worship Service.

 Be a “rockin’ volunteer” and rock and/or play with our newborns to two year olds during 9:45 Sunday School and/or 11:00 Worship Service.

 Assist in the 2 and 3 years old children’s Sunday School and/or 11:00 Worship Service.

Assist in the 4 and 5 years old children’s Sunday School and/or 11:00 Worship Service.

Contact:  Mandy Morse 754-6548

Children’s Ministry

Children’s Ministry needs volunteers to teach the Sr. Kindergarten/1st grade class and 2nd/3rd grade class.  This is just a 3-week commitment for the first three weeks of the month.  Most months are available so please let Mandy know which month you could help.  She will help you select the activities and will have all the supplies ready for you.  She also needs non-teachers in both classes that will just be helpers. Contact: mmorse@emmanuelmemphis.org

Church Office

There are volunteer opportunities to serve as receptionists at the front desk in the church office.  Anyone interested in volunteering in this capacity should contact Jane Kinzer, Church Administrator at 901-754-6548 or jkinzer@emmanuelmemphis.org.

Room in the Inn

Emmanuel Food Pantry

Special Care Volunteer

Prayer Ministry

Communion to Homebound

Contact: jkinzer@emmanuelmemphis.org

Youth Group – WANT TO LEND A HAND?

We are always looking for adults with an abnormal amount of energy, spirit, laughter and heart to help out with the youth ministry. We also need “behind-the-scene” folks that can help with other projects as well. Please contact the Youth Staff if you would be interested in helping out.  754-6548