Emmanuel United Methodist Church offers recreation and wellness programming for individuals and families of all ages in the church, school, and community.
We focus not only on the physical but also on the mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits. All programs are Christ-centered, with a strong emphasis on honoring and glorifying God.
Church wide events include Wednesday night dinners, church-wide fellowship activities, and picnics.
Throughout the year we offer local trips, serveral day trips and Christian cruising.
- Pickleball – Mondays at 5:30pm (Advanced Play) Tuesday 5:30pm (Beginner or Lower impact Play) in the Gym
- Walking group – Monday/Wednesday/Saturday at Holmes Park off Hickory Crest Dr (fall/winter months 9am & spring/summer months 8:30am)
- Mid-Month Mindfullness – 3rd month of the month. Wellness for Mind, Body, & Spirit. Relaxation, crafts, puzzles, & more.
- Craft Nights – Seasonal crafts of all types. Watch the newsletter for details.
- Bingo – Meets quarterly for a potluck appetizer dinner and bingo fun!
- Kids T-ball is played in the early Summer
- Kids Soccer is played in the Spring
For more information, contact Deborah Baker, Director of Wellness & Recreation, at 901-754-6548