2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119


The Nursery is staffed Sunday mornings from 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. and during Chancel Choir practices on Sunday nights upon advance request. We are also available for special church activities upon request.

Important thing editBabies and infants are our special responsibility, entrusted to our care by God. Therefore, we want the church nursery to be a place where they can grow in body,
mind, and spirit, a place where they can see Christ’s love and be nurtured in a growing faith.

Our Nursery Staff are paid employees. They have passed security checks and have been trained in early childhood First Aid/CPR/AEDs as well as Emmanuel’s Safe Sanctuaries Policies. We believe it is important for our little ones to experience continuity and consistency with our staff members and the facilities.

The Two & Three Year Old children and the Four & Five Year Old children have separate classrooms which include child-friendly bathrooms and outside doors.
Our utmost goal is to provide each child with a loving, nurturing Christian experience in a safe environment.