2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119


Emmanuel’s Music Ministries encompass every aspect of the life of the church and offer something for all persons of every age group who have the call to serve through music and worship.

There are 11 choirs and music ensembles directly involving over 250 women, men, youth, and children.

The music staff consists of a full-time Minister of Music, a part-time organist/accompanist, 3 Music Ministry assistants, and 12 volunteer directors and accompanists plus countless choir parents and other helpers.

The music ministry is committed to communicating the good news of God’s love through Christ with a variety of styles and experiences. Many special services and concerts are offered by the choirs during the year.



The Children’s Choir Ministry of Emmanuel is a comprehensive Christian music program which includes singing, Orff, drama, movement and learning activities. The choirs meet as part of the church’s Wednesday night dinner and Christian Education program. The older choirs for elementary aged children frequently perform during Sunday morning worship. All choirs participate in twice a year “Ring & Sing” programs in December and May.

There are several age-level choirs for children age three through the sixth grade. All choirs meet at 6:15 p.m. on Wednesday for an hour each week. Children’s choirs meet September through May.

Contact Jackie Spear at jspear@emmanuelmemphis.org for more information.


CrossNotes, the youth choir, is for grades 7-12. This dynamic choir rehearses a large variety of music each Sunday afternoon in conjunction with all of Emmanuel’s youth activities. The choir provides music for worship services on a regular basis, is involved in many outreach programs, goes on retreats, and sings in other special programs throughout the year.

One of the choir’s strongest ministries is its annual summer tour. Over the past years, the CrossNotes have traveled to California, Mexico, Canada, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, New England, New York, Washington, DC, and nearly all of the Midwestern and Southern US.

All youth are welcome to become a part of this very active group. See church calendar for rehearsal time. . September – May.

Please contact Kevin Presley at kpresley@emmanuelmemphis.org for more information.


Open to anyone without audition, Emmanuel has two Chancel Choirs that lead the congregational singing and provide special music at the two Sunday morning worship services.

There are two rehearsals each week. You pick the one that is most convenient for your schedule. See church calendar for rehearsal times.  Child care is available upon request.

Please contact Kevin Presley at kpresley@emmanuelmemphis.org for more information

In addition to rehearsals and Sunday morning worship services, these choirs meet frequently for fellowship, have an annual Christmas Preparation Workshop each fall, and participate in many outreach opportunities.

The Chancel Choirs provide leadership at several “all music” services/concerts during the year, which include the Festival of Christmas, Holy Week, Celebrate, and the Lessons and Carols service.

In recent years the choirs have toured New York, England, Switzerland, and Greece. In 2009, the choir traveled to Rome, singing at Saint Paul Cathedral and Saint Peter’s Square as a part of the International Church Music Festival.

HandbellsHandbells Dec 2015

Emmanuel currently has two adult handbell choirs playing 4 octaves of bells (47) and chimes.

The Handbell choirs rehearse every Monday (from September to May): The Morning Handbells at 10:30 a.m. and the Evening Handbells at 7:00 p.m.

Childcare is available for both by request.

Contact Kevin Presley at kpresley@emmanuelmemphis.org for more information about handbells.

Instrumental Music

At special times during the year, orchestra and instrumental ensembles enhance the music of the choirs. Soloists, both vocal and instrumental, are welcome and encouraged to participate in any of the services.

If you would be interested in sharing your instrumental talents, please make yourself known to anyone on Emmanuel’s Music Staff.