2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

Congregational Care

Congregational Care Ministry Cares for You!

When you find yourself in need of care and support, know there are others who want to be there with and for you. We all experience many different seasons of life where it can help to have someone walk with us in Christian fellowship.

Such times may include: aging, empty nesting, aging parent, loss of job, loss of loved one, divorce, marriage, illness, surgery, etc.

When such a need arises, we invite you to contact us.
Susan Carlsson, chair of Congregational Care Ministry

If you’re being challenged by life’s events, know you don’t have to walk this journey alone.  We’re here to walk with you.  Please call or email our pastors. 

Pastoral Staff: Dr. Rob Martin (rmartin@emmanuelmemphis.org) Rev. Luke Lea (llea@emmanuelmemhis.org) Call 754-6548.

Congregational Care Ministry works with the Pastors in a collaborative relationship to provide care for Emmanuel UMC.


Professional Licensed Counselors are available for counseling. At EUMC, we want to make mental health services easily accessible and affordable.

Emmanuel Counseling Center – Dr. Jim Coffman   www.coffmancounseling.com

Special Care Ministry

Special Care Ministry provides loving care to the homebound. Volunteers will visit those who are unable to leave home, make hospital visits, make phone calls and send cards.
To serve as a volunteer or to make a referral for someone to receive care, please contact: info@emmanuelmemphis.org.

Prayer Ministry

You may request prayers by filling out the online prayer request form or by calling the church office: 754-6548.

Prayer Practice is an open group which meets every Monday morning from 9:00-10:00 am in room L-1. You are always welcome to come pray with this group about personal and global concerns.

Recovery Ministry

AA: 12-step recovery group from alcoholism.

Every Monday and Thursday at 7:00 pm in the Community Room on the West Side of the campus

Monday – Friday 8-9am in the Community Room on the West Side of the campus

Al-Anon: 12-step recovery group for family and friends of addicts. Every Saturday morning at 9:30 am in room L1 (west side of building, ground floor entrance).

DBSA: Mental Health Group meets in Saturdays at 2pm in the Community Room on the West side of campusSharing Joy

Click here to learn more about Sharing Joy