2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119


Women’s Ministry at Emmanuel is “rooted and established in love” (Ephesians 3:17)

Women's Retreat 2015
Emmanuel’s Women’s ministry is for women of all ages to know she is uniquely gifted by God. The purpose of our ministry is to offer all women quality opportunities for personal growth and for ministry to our community and world.

Our various events include:

• An Annual Weekend Retreat with inspiring speakers, quality fellowship time, mission and community outreach project, exercise, and quiet time.

Christmas Gift Exchange – You pay, we do the shopping, then you come and enjoy holiday treats and go home with a fun gift!

Quarterly “Girl’s Night Out” which provides relaxing time for fellowship paired with a mission project. Examples include cards to our Military overseas, blankets for our local children’s hospital, handmade gifts for our ‘adopted school, Belle Forest’ students and teachers.

Bible Studies on Tuesday Evening and Thursday Mornings

Times of Fellowship. We offer opportunities for women to get to know one another better through a variety of events such as  crafts, painting, cooking classes, Downton Abbey lunch, jewelry making, pool party, ice cream social, cookie swap, cooking together.