2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

Adult Sunday School

ADULT BIBLE STUDY CLASS – As the name says, they study the Bible. They are mostly ages 60 to 90, singles and married couples. They offer refreshments every Sunday and host social occasions for the members and others. They support a number of missions, both within EUMC and elsewhere, with their time, their talents, and their funds.

AGAPE CLASS – Wanting to share God’s love with all, this class, made up mostly of couples in their fifties and sixties, shares fellowship and refreshments each week as they study selected Biblical series of lessons. They have monthly social gatherings and participate in special projects throughout the year to support the church and the community.

CROSSROADS CLASS – This class is full of members who have or will be facing crossroads in their lives as they range in age from mid-twenties through their thirties, including singles and couples, married or not. Their mission work focuses on youth, both inside the church and outside, including providing dorm and school supplies for youth aging out of foster care. They are a fun-loving bunch who enjoy socializing, including a lunch together on the first Sunday of the month.

DISCOVERY CLASS – A self-described eclectic group, they take turns leading the class in discussion of lessons. They participate in various social and charity projects each year. They range in age from 40 to 70, both singles and married couples. They welcome all visitors.

FRIENDSHIP CLASS – A group of mostly retired people, this class is usually led by a member in their class in lessons on the Bible and Christian principles. On the fifth Sunday of a month, they have a fellowship with refreshments brought by the members. The class supports various local projects, including the Church Health Center, Methodist Neighborhood Center, and Wesley Senior Ministries. Anyone is welcome.

PRIMETIME CLASS – A group of men and women who are, as they say, in the prime time of life, their weekly lessons include open and lively discussions. They enjoy quarterly social gatherings or outings and support a wide variety of projects including supporting the Church Health Center, Jacob’s Ladder, Wesley Foundation, Lakeshore Camp, Reynosa Orphanage, and the church youth group.

UNITY CLASS – Parents of children from newborn to early teens make up this class, which includes both singles and couples. Sunday meetings always include lively discussions of lessons, parenting, or world events. Mission projects include preparing baskets for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter for distribution by various charity groups. It’s no surprise they also support the EUMC children and youth programs.

WESLEY CLASS – A class with a long tradition of supporting children’s charities, the members are singles or marrieds in their fifties and sixties. Sunday morning lessons are led by class members, other church members, or outside speakers, with an emphasis on Bible studies and community relations. This class sponsors (and provides most of the volunteer time) to run the EUMC Children’s Clothing Exchange, a twice-yearly consignment sale that raises funds for various children’s programs, both at the church and elsewhere.

SOMETHING ELSE – YOUNG ADULT CLASS – An ever-evolving group that is comprised of an age spectrum that spans 25-40 years old. We have people who are single, married, and married-with-kids. All are welcome! We now meet on Sunday mornings in Room S12 at 9:45 AM, but we also gather weekly for trivia on Thursdays, monthly on Tuesdays, and often to serve together in mission opportunities.