2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

Kairos Cookie Sunday is September 13

Kairos Cookie CollectionSundaySeptemberPlease bring cookies to church for Kairos Cookie Collection Sunday on September 13th.

A place to drop off your cookies will be by the church office.  Cookies need to be chocolate chip, 2-3” in diameter. The Nestle Tollhouse recipe on the bag, or pre-made dough from Sam’s, etc., are best. Don’t forget to let them cool well before packing so they can make the trip.

Cookies will be taken to Heartsong UMC on the afternoon of the 13th. Boxing, bagging and tagging will begin at 9am at Heartsong Mon., Sept. 14 and 15th until finished.

The men’s Kairos #36 weekend is coming up Thursday, September 17th – Sunday, September 20th at West Tennessee State Penitentiary near Henning, TN.