2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

Giving at Emmanuel



“Emmanuel” translates as “God with us.” In our giving, we recognize God’s presence in our lives in everything we do, including our finances. As members of Emmanuel UMC, we pledge to support the church’s mission with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness.

Scripture instructs us…

to be faithful in our giving:

Then they faithfully brought in the contributions, tithes and dedicated gifts.  2 Chronicles 31:12a, New International Version

And to be cheerful in our giving!

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

We have received gifts and blessings beyond measure, and scripture calls us to be stewards of those gifts.

John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, encouraged his listeners to “Earn all you can, Save all you can, and Give all you can.” Wesley’s teaching was to help us understand we are only stewards of the resources God created for our world. As we find any measure of success, we are challenged to share that success with the mission of the church.

Wesley points out that money is “an instrument of doing all manner of good….an excellent gift of God. In the hands of His children, it is food for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, raiment for the naked; it gives to the traveler and stranger where to lay his head…. a defense for the oppressed, a means of health to the sick, of ease to them that are in pain.”

How To Give

Emmanuel graciously receives your tithes and offerings using several methods, all designed to help you be the faithful, cheerful giver God wants you to be:

  • Offering Plate – Every Sunday, we share our gifts through the offerings presented at the altar.
  • Online Giving – As described below, there are options available to donate directly to Emmanuel using a secure online service dedicated to serving churches and Christian organizations. These offerings are designed for your convenience and are completely safe and secure.
  • Text to GiveThis program works on the same platform as our online giving so your information is secure. Your transaction comes to the church, and we process it ourselves. So if you made a mistake you can fix it yourself or give us a call. If you already have online giving set up you are already a step ahead. You may need to add your cell phone number to your account. If you are not set up, it just takes a minute. The number to text is 901-441-9254. CLICK HERE FOR PRINTABLE INSTRUCTIONS.
  • ACH Bank Draft – To have an automatic amount debited from your checking account on a regular schedule, you may come by the church office. All that is needed is your signature and a voided check, and the church financial staff will help you get your instructions set up with your banking institution.
  • Bill Pay – Most banking organizations allow you to set up on your own an automatic bill payment through your checking account which will forward your gift directly to Emmanuel.
  • Gifts of Stock – If you have appreciated stock you would like to give to the church, please contact the Church Administrator at 901-754-6548 or email jkinzer@emmanuelmemphis.org for assistance.
  • Bequests – If God is leading you to include gifts to Emmanuel United Methodist Church in your estate planning, please consider contacting the Church Administrator or the Senior Pastor to discuss this valuable approach to giving.
  • Mail and In Person – As always, you may mail or bring your gift to the church office at your convenience.

Online Giving

Why Give Online?

Online Giving provides you the ability to make your contributions at your convenience and discretion. You can give at any time or place, making either a one-time gift or setting up a recurring donation.

You may be on vacation, traveling on business, or spending time with family. You may be unable to attend church for some reason, but want to make your contribution. Perhaps you are paying bills or balancing your checkbook online, and you would like to make a gift to Emmanuel. Anytime of day or night, our payment processor provides a safe and secure link you can use to make your gifts.

Online Giving can also help Emmanuel plan and execute its own financial responsibilities, particularly if you set up regular recurring gifts to the church. A weekly or monthly gift, for instance, assures the church of your commitment to help your congregation meet its financial obligations, even if you are unable to attend every weekly service.


Can I Give Online with my Credit Card?

Emmanuel’s payment processor accepts both credit and debit cards. While the church does not encourage consumer debt, this form of giving is offered as a convenience to our members. There is a processing fee associated with credit and debit card gifts, and you have the option to make a small additional donation to help offset the administrative cost of handling your gift.

Can I Give Online with my Checking Account?

By using our online processing service to set up a one-time or recurring gift to Emmanuel directly out of your checking account, you are making the most efficient online gift possible. The administrative costs of handling your gifts through your checking account are negligible, and your gifts are put right to work in the mission and ministry of your church.

God With Us

God is with us at Emmanuel, and we are in community with each other. Your gifts and offerings, however you see best to provide them to the church, help all of us, and our visitors and guests, to strive to fulfill our mission to each other and to our brothers and sisters in our neighborhood, community and around the world.

Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you. Luke 6:38, New American Bible

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