2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

Find a Place to Connect in One of Our Small Groups

small groups at Emmanuel

We offer many opportunities for adults to find a place to connect at Emmanuel.

Our  Fall 2019 – Spring 2020 schedule for Adult Education and Spiritual Formation includes Bible Studies, Prayer Groups, and other Small Groups.


Sunday 4-5 pm Adult Bible Study – taught by Wayne Hamm

This class will explore church history, beginning with the Protestant Reformation. Everyone is welcome! Location: L4


Monday 9-10 am Women’s Prayer Practice

Everyone is welcome to join with others to pray for the concerns of our church in addition to personal prayers. It’s also a time of fellowship and joy. Location: L2


Tuesday 6-7:30 pm Women’s Bible Study – taught by Rev. Linda Gabriel

Sept. 3-Oct. 8 “Uninvited: Living Loved” by Lysa Terkeurst

With Biblical depth, the author will take you on a visual journey in the Holy Land to some of the places where people of faith such as Hannah, David and Jesus lived and walked.  This Bible study will remind you that you are destined for a love that can never be diminished, tarnished, shaken or taken. This is a DVD study.

Oct. 15-Nov. 19 “Unafraid” by Adam Hamilton

This is a 6 week study focusing on 1 and 2 Kings examining the holy habits of a cast of prophets and kings as they tried to follow God and carry out their calling on earth.  Each week we’ll explore the story of one of these intriguing men of God, learn about his specific spiritual discipline and explore how these timeless spiritual practices can help you fulfill God’s purpose for your life today.

Jan. 7-Feb. 18 “Called: Hearing and Responding to God’s Voice” by Susan Robb

Throughout the Bible, God interrupts the lives of ordinary men and women, calling and empowering them to lives of service they never could have imagined on their own.  Called will examine the lives of the Abraham, Samuel, Esther and Mary Magdalene, Jonah and the beloved disciple.

Feb. 25-March 31 “Forgiveness: A Lenten Study” by Marjorie Thompson

Lent, a time to reflect on our Christian journey, is an appropriate time to deepen our understanding and practice of forgiveness.


Wednesday 9:30-12 pm Adult Bible study – taught by Sally Coleman and Carolyn Cochran

“Disciple Fast Track: Old and New Testament”

This is a study for women and men.  New members are always welcome to join this on-going class. Location: L4

WEDNESDAY Night’S AT EMMANUEL begin with dinner

Dinner served 5:30-6:00 pm and Adult programs are 6:20-7:20 pm

The Adult programs are open to all and do not require pre-registration. Register for dinner here.

Wednesday 6:20-7:20 pm Adult Bible Study – Taught by Rev. Linda Gabriel

“Believe: Living The Story of the Bible to Become Like Jesus” by Randy Frazee.

This will be a 28 week transformative journey through the Bible by exploring the 30 essential beliefs, practices, and virtues that every Christian needs to know and live. The story of God isn’t just a story, it changes everything. Location: The Commons

Wednesday 6:20-7:20 pm Adult Bible Study – Taught by Wayne Hamm

The focus of this class will be Church History beginning with the Protestant Reformation. Location: S12


Thursday 7:15 am men’s prayer breakfast

Thursday 8:30-9:30 am Men’s bible study

Following the Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Wayne Hamm will teach a study on the Minor Old Testament Prophets. Location: L4

Thursday 10-11 am ladies’ bible study taught by joanna haines and rev. wade cox

Ongoing Ladies’ Bible Study for all women. Location: M1


saturday 7-8 pm adult bible study – Taught by Wayne Hamm

This class will be a study of the Four Gospels using Parallel Gospels.  Everyone is invited to join this class. Location: S14   This class will begin Nov. 2

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