2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

Women's Retreat 2023

Women’s Retreat

Come travel the world…

Wishing you could get away for a mini-vacation? We’ve got your ticket!

WonderFull World is an unforgettable travel-themed retreat the women of our church are doing together. It includes worship, Bible study, and time for laughter as well as time for quiet reflection.

At WonderFull World we’ll “travel” to each of the seven continents. While there, we’ll explore wonders of a woman’s heart, such as “I wonder if I matter to God” or “I wonder where God is when life is hard.” We’ll find the answer to each of these questions in the Bible and discover more of God’s amazing love for us.

We’ll begin with dinner on the evening of Friday, March 31, and will finish by 4pm on the afternoon of Saturday, April 1. We will hold our retreat at Emmanuel, and the cost is $45 per person! This covers two delicious meals, snacks, fun and refreshing activities, a swag bag full of goodies, and more.

Call or email Deborah at the church for more information, or stop by our table in the Narthex on Sundays to learn more and register or fill out the form below.

Take time to relax, to make new friends, to worship, and to explore God’s wondrous love. We hope you will not miss this special event!

women's retreat 2023 WonderFull World