2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

Christmas Gift Exchange

Women’s Christmas Gift Exchange

Join us for one of our favorite events of the year… the Women’s Christmas Gift Exchange.

This year you don’t need to bring a thing except yourself. Just register and prepay!

The Women’s Ministry is hosting and buying the gifts in advance. This year, the gifts will be an assortment of Christmas decor.

We will have light refreshments and a fun gift exchange. If you came to our Spring Extravaganza last April, you will remember we played the game like we used to at the ornament swap.

Since we are buying the gifts in advance, we will need to know who is coming and have prepayment by December 1 (no exceptions).

Childcare is available through registration form.

Don’t miss all the fun, food, and fellowship – it’s always a special night!