
2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

Lenten Worship Series – “From Palms to Passion”

This year during Lent, we will look at Jesus’ life as he walks towards the cross and we remember the challenges, sacrifices, and sufferings he experienced along the way. We will do that by spending each Sunday of Lent on a specific day of the week leading up to Easter, which is called Holy Week.

Each Sunday we will move “From Palms to Passion” as follows:

March 10- Palm Sunday, Mark 11:1-10
March 17- Monday, Mark 11:12-19
March 24- Tuesday, Mark 12:28-34
March 31- Wednesday, Mark 14:1-11
April 7- Maundy Thursday, Mark 14:12-42, 66-72
April 14- Good Friday, Mark 15:1-15, 21-32
April 21- Easter Sunday, Mark 16:1-8

Lent and Easter at Emmanuel