2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

eumc precautions coronavirus

EUMC Precautions for Coronavirus

TWk UMC Guidelines for In Person Worship & Ministry 

UPDATED June 18, 2020Gather Round

Gather Round

As we prepare to return to in person worship services, we have posted Guidelines and Protocols to keep everyone safe. Click HERE to read the plan for in person worship.

If you plan to attend in person worship, please let us know which service you will attend by filling out the form HERE.


UPDATED March 14, 2020

Dear Emmanuel church family,

Our understanding and response to Covid-19 continues to evolve by the hour.

Just since our last communication with you on Thursday most local schools have decided to temporarily close and a national state of emergency has been declared.

Additionally, we received an email from our bishop Friday afternoon requesting us to be proactive in avoiding potentially harmful consequences for our communities and to suspend worship services for the next two weeks.

We have decided that following this request is in the best interest of the community at large and therefore are cancelling in person Sunday worship services and all Sunday morning and evening church activities for March 15 and 22.

HOWEVER, we will be offering a live stream worship service these two Sundays at 11 AM from the sanctuary via Facebook Live or emmanuelmemphis.org/worshiplive

You are encouraged to join your church family at this time.
If you’re unable to join the live stream worship, the sermon will be recorded and posted on our website as we have been doing over the past several weeks.

Please share this change about our upcoming Sunday worships and other Sunday activities, especially with those you know who do not have email.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Our faith in God continues to be bigger than our fear and our hope in the Lord is stronger than this virus that we face. Our prayers are with each of you.

Please join us as we pray for all those who have been affected!

Peace and grace,


March 12, 2020

Dear Emmanuel Family & Friends,

The growing concern over the CORONAVIRUS is dominating the headlines. We have been prayerfully considering the best response for the safety and health of our community.

In this time of fear and uncertainty, we, as a community, can prayerfully lean into our faith by praying for researchers, healthcare professionals, healing for those effected and peace in the midst of our fears.

The CDC Response
eumc precautions coronavirusThe CDC does not want to contribute to the spread of the Coronavirus which has no vaccine. So, out of an “abundance of caution,” we state the following:
The U.S. CDC is encouraging both older adults and people with severe chronic medical conditions to “stay at home as much as possible.” You can see the CDC guidelines HERE.

Emmanuel’s Response
Daily Operations: Unless conditions on the ground change, the church office remains open Monday-Friday for daily operations, business and ministry with a greater sense of cleanliness.

Sunday Worship – while we are still planning to have all Sunday Morning activities the following precautions are being put in place.

  • Greetings: The ministers are eager to greet you before and after worship but hope you understand it will be hands free. We encourage you to greet one another with welcoming words and waves.
  • Worship Guides will be distributed by gloved ushers. Please remember that this is now your own possession. Please, keep it or put it in the recycle bin. Do not return them to the worship guide basket.
  • Offering will be accepted by gloved ushers stationed at the doors at the close of worship.  This might be a great opportunity to take advantage of the online giving. HERE
  • Hymnals & Bibles, as a shared surface, have been removed for the time being.
  • The wooden backs of the pews have been cleaned.
  • Attendance: Doctors recommend staying home if you have had a fever, cold or flu symptoms for the past two days. At this time of uncertainty, we understand you may need to stay home if you are in an at risk category.  However, we encourage you to listen to the sermons on-line. HERE

Wednesday Night Activities: In the vain of abundant caution the following decisions have been made for the remainder of March.
What will not meet: Fellowship dinners, Children’s Choirs, D-Groups, Adult Bible Studies
What will meet: Community Groups and Adult Chancel Choir

Meetings and other Activities:
Room in the Inn will be suspended for the remainder of the month.
Emmanuel Feeds has made the decision to postpone until a later date.
Committee Meetings will continue as scheduled.
Special groups & Bible Studies are asked to make their own decisions about meeting and notify the members of your group.

The staff at Emmanuel pray for and care about your health and well-being. Therefore, you may notice other changes throughout the building to help avoid points of contact.

Thank you and stay well!

NOTE: Church office phones are still not functioning. Messages for staff can be left at this number: 901-754-6591 or emails for individual staff can be found HERE.

eumc precautions