2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

Church Events (Page 3)

Tiny Campfire

Tiny Campfire

Happy 52nd Birthday, Emmanuel! Celebrate with us by having a Tiny Campfire and eating s’mores with us as we connect online with a campfire sing-a-long and other surprises. Did you get your s’mores kit? You can come by the church to pick one up today or tomorrow or you may have the supplies at home:…

Believe Bible Study by Randy Frazee

We are excited to offer the Believe Bible Study by Randy Frazee. Wednesday nights after dinner at 6:20pm in the Commons. Everyone enjoyed The Story Bible study by Frazee a couple of years ago. And we expect this study to be just as popular. Believe Grounded in carefully selected Scripture, Believe, NIV is a unique spiritual growth…

Find a Place to Connect in One of Our Small Groups

We offer many opportunities for adults to find a place to connect at Emmanuel. Our  Fall 2019 – Spring 2020 schedule for Adult Education and Spiritual Formation includes Bible Studies, Prayer Groups, and other Small Groups. sunday Sunday 4-5 pm Adult Bible Study – taught by Wayne Hamm This class will explore church history, beginning with the Protestant…

Inspirational Speaker and Author, Paul B Evans

Paul B. Evans is an author of 8 books and an international, inspirational speaker. Paul’s most recent books are Live On Purpose and Success is NOT an Accident! Both of which take a no excuse, no platitude approach to getting the results you desire. Paul’s message helps others live their best life by achieving a…

Find a Place to Connect in One of Our Small Groups

We offer many opportunities for adults to find a place to connect at Emmanuel. Our Spring 2019 schedule for Adult Education and Spiritual Formation includes Bible Studies, Prayer Groups, and other Small Groups. Sunday 4-5 pm will be taught by Wayne Hamm The Nativity of the Trinity: a study of Gospel Parallels Review and the Seven…

Advent at Emmanuel

Come prepare for the celebration of Christmas – Jesus’ birthday – during our many Advent programs and worship services. Our theme this Advent is “Calm and Bright: 200 Years of Silent Night.” Dec 2 First Sunday of Advent 8:30am & 11am Worship Services 9:45am Gingerbread Churches & Living Nativity 7:30pm Festival of Christmas Music Program …