2404 Kirby Road
Memphis, TN 38119

Posts by staff (Page 20)

Special Awards presented to Special Emmanuel Members

The Metro McKendree District’s “Unsung Heroes & Heroines” Celebration, took place on Sunday, September 20, 2015 at St. Paul’s UMC, in Lakeland, TN. Two of our Emmanuel members were recognized and honored for their faithful, dedicated service to their church and community. Emmanuel’s 2015 Unsung Hero is Mike Walker. Mike serves Christ in many ways…

Emmanuel ends Clergy Chase with some Medal Winners

On September 5 at Overton Park, we had a good group from Emmanuel walking in the Annual Clergy Chase with some doing the 1-mile Fun Run/Walk and some the officially timed 5K Run/Walk. Emmanuel’s participants were quite successful.   Medal winners in their age group in the 5K from EUMC included: Elizabeth Johnston – 3rd…

Kairos Cookie Sunday is September 13

Please bring cookies to church for Kairos Cookie Collection Sunday on September 13th. A place to drop off your cookies will be by the church office.  Cookies need to be chocolate chip, 2-3” in diameter. The Nestle Tollhouse recipe on the bag, or pre-made dough from Sam’s, etc., are best. Don’t forget to let them cool…

Emmanuel UMC embraces idea of ‘offering Christ to a hurting world, one neighborhood at a time’

  This summer our church was featured in the Memphis Conference’s weekly e-news  and quarterly newspaper, The Circuit Writer. on page 10. Check out the articles that mention our missions and outreach programs including Emmanuel Feeds, Project 20/20, Emmanuel’s Walking Group, Jacob’s Ladder,  and the Joy Prom. If  you are interested in getting involved, you can check out these programs…